What does Maggie and the Sprinkle Tree have in common with Guns N’ Roses?
Order from amazonThe Jungle! Maggie and the Sprinkle Tree is now on Amazon!!!! (Extra exclamation points are required.)
Maybe you like to support independent authors selling on mainstream channels? Now’s your chance. Maybe you have a few things to pickup on Amazon already, meaning you can add Maggie to your cart and get free shipping (score!)? Go right ahead. Maybe you’re a member of Amazon Prime and you don’t have anything in your cart but you’ve been itching to add something great? Well, here you go!
We’re open to any and all ways of getting Maggie into hands and onto shelves everywhere and Amazon will be a big part of that process. So spread the word! Share to Twitter and Facebook! Email your friends! Text your relatives! Let people know that Maggie is ready on an Amazon.com near you (or them)! And if you already have a copy of the book? Then by all means head over to Amazon and leave us a glowing review!
But there’s one catch. It looks like people found Maggie and the Sprinkle Tree before we had the chance to write this post, so there’s only 1 copy left (for now). But, as Amazon so kindly notes, more are on the way and you can always backorder a copy if this last one gets snagged before you get to it.
And if that Guns N’ Roses song is now stuck in your head…