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Mia Meets Maggie

By February 4, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

“It’s like the graphic and the story are one single thing…”

With the PDF/ebooks out in the wild to those who backed us at that level on Kickstarter, we’re anxious to hear reviews of the book. And when I say “anxious” I mean “excited beyond reason.” We can’t wait to ship out the actual book and hear what everyone (adults and children alike) has to say. And it will be pretty easy to send us a review via our contact page or through our pre-order page (and yes! Pre-orders are now available!).

Speaking of reviews (smooth transition), last week we got an email from one of our Kickstarter backers who received the PDF/ebook version of “Maggie and the Sprinkle Tree” and it was such a great email that we thought we’d share a bit of it here. Alessandro – from halfway around the world, which we think is amazing because we’re excited that Maggie is traveling the globe – wrote that the night they downloaded the book, his daughter Mia asked her mom to read it three times!

This is exciting because it’s exactly why I wrote the book. It’s why Christian was so passionate about illustrating it. It’s why we create: So people enjoy it. Alessandro went on to tell us that, “the following morning, just few minutes after waking up, she asked my wife to read it another time and since then every night we read ‘Maggie and the Sprinkle Tree.'”

And as amazing as that feedback was, Alessandro saved the best for last:

“My daughter is 3 years and a half and she cannot read yet but has a remarkable memory and she decided she wanted to read the book to us.. which she did!! It was incredible seeing her going through each page with passion and confidence highlighting every passage by connecting the storyline with the beautiful and rich images. It’s like the graphic and the story are one single thing and the touch screen of the iPad helped her to navigate through the book discovering even the most tiny little details.”

Needless to say, we were both speechless and we can’t wait to hear what everyone else has to say! So, if you have read the eBook, let us know what you think by leaving a review! If you’re waiting for your very own hard copy of “Maggie and the Sprinkle Tree,” we’ll wait for you to read it a few times, but we hope you’ll send us your thoughts as soon as you do!


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